
How to Measure

To get the most accurate measurements it is best to have a therapist, professional fitter or friend measure your arm for you. Relax and bend your arm slightly in the elbow. Your arm should not be completely straight, nor fully bent. With each measurement, pull the tape around your arm to the point of gentle tension.

Index Finger: Let your fingers relax, measure the circumference of the knuckle on your index finger.

Palm: Measure the top of your palm, just under your knuckles.

Wrist: On your wrist, measure over the little bone on the outside.

Forearm: Measure the fullest part of your forearm.

Bicep: Measure the fullest part halfway between your elbow and your armpit. If you have any extra skin here, gather it together as much as possible. You should hold the tape a bit tighter here so that all your skin is encircled evenly.

length: Measure your arm length from the top of your arm to your wrist.

Have your measurements ready & call us for a sizing recommendation

If you are in-between sizes, please consult a medical professional, professional fitter or LympheDIVAs to ensure proper fit.

We are in the office Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you’d like to contact us outside of office hours please fill out our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Download a printable PDF of the sizing chart here.